Use them or lose money, there is no way around the loyalty program concept. What really matters is maximizing the benefits. Two ways to enhance your savings – when ever possible stick with one program for every category type i.e. food, office supplies, hotels, air travel and give them your email address (set up a seperate account for deals if necessary) so you receive up to the minute offers. Here are the no fee programs the Frugal Diva likes best and why. Staples – They give you $2 for every used printer cartridges and a percentage of purchases in…
All my friends had become ardent supporters of Chicos, yet I held out. Convinced that my love of basics and solid colors, my desire to choose any two pieces from my closet and have them match, would never be fulfilled by Chicos. It was a riot of color while I was an orderly march of solids. They scared me. Well, they kept sending me catalogs and coupons. And the coupons were pretty good. Twenty five dollars off any purchase of $100 even if the items were on sale. They wore me down. I started by going into the store just…