Browsing Tag: DSW

DSW – Need I Say More

Shoes have many good qualities. They are loyal. Gain a few pounds and your jeans will turn on you.  However you have to gain a lot of weight to out grow your favorite pair of pumps.  They wait quietly at the back of the closet until that perfect occasion when only red heels with white polka dots will do.  And you can try on endless pairs without taking off your clothes. The best place to spend countless hours looking, trying on and maybe even buying – DSW. So much more than those three letters. It’s a place to…

Loyalty Programs

Use them or lose money, there is no way around the loyalty program concept.   What really matters is maximizing the benefits. Two ways to enhance your savings – when ever possible stick with one program for every category type i.e. food, office supplies, hotels, air travel and give them your email address (set up a seperate account for deals if necessary) so you receive up to the minute offers. Here are the no fee programs the Frugal Diva likes best and why. Staples – They give you $2 for every used printer cartridges and a percentage of purchases in…

Birthday Freebies

Since The Frugal Diva just had a birthday, this is a great time to thank all the companies that sent a little something to help me celebrate. DSW emailed a $5 gift certificate to use during the month of September. The Veggie Grill sent a card for a free entree this month. Just the thing to start my every year after my birthday vow to be on a better diet. If you have a registered Starbucks card, they will send you a free birthday drink of your choice and size. Origins sent $10 off and I have until November to…