Browsing Tag: frugal diva

Play It Again Sports

We’ve all been there – wanting to exercise and never finding the time, thinking equipment is too expensive, and worried that our investment will never be used. Play It Again Sports makes the initial outlay reasonable and encourages you to try something new. If you can never make it to the gym this is a great place to buy a stationary bicycle, treadmill, or weights. For a fraction of the cost, see if this option works for you. Sometimes a small investment makes a big difference in your health, plus you might be able to sell it back…

Mother’s Day is Almost Here

There are so many mothers these days. Between moms, grand-moms, step-moms, step-grandmoms, moms-in-law, step moms-in-law, surrogate moms, egg donors moms, birth moms, and Heather has two moms, make this day special with choices tailored to your mom or moms. If my own mom were here she would be so happy to see me featured  in advice to mothers on saving money  She would also be laughing at how it was her advice that eventually seeped in and made me into The Frugal Diva. As a Nature Loving Mom…

What To Buy In May

From Mother’s Day to Memorial Day, May is a busy month for retailers and shoppers alike. In addition to being the unofficial start of the summer, it also marks the start of spending more time outdoors, and that can lead to additional spending. But, before you purchase a new grill or try on summer apparel, you’ll want to read DealNews’ latest monthly buying guide, which reveals the best (and worst) products you can buy this month. From mattresses to mobile devices, here are the Best and Worst Things to Buy in May:…

Military Discounts is a deal based site that offers coupons and money saving resources. They have just released the largest publicly accessible list of companies that offer discounts exclusively to active military members, veterans and their families. Unlike other hard to navigate smaller lists available online, users can sort their list according to the company name, discount amount and category with an added search function that lets users find exactly what they are looking for. This master guide can be found on their site at Here’s another awesome resource…

Mother’s Day Shopping Tips

Great guest post for Mother’s Day shoppers! Seasonality doesn’t just affect the weather; prices across a wide range of products can change on a month-to-month basis as demand fluctuates. Considering millions of consumers will shop for Mother’s Day gifts this week, being aware of these best and worst buys can help you make smarter purchasing decisions that delight Mom and keep your budget intact. Take a look at these worst buys and consider gifting a best buy for Mom. WORST Sadly, many go-to gifts for Mom represent the worst buys of…

The Surprising Health Benefits of Chocolate

Thank you for this guest post just in time for Mother’s Day Shopping! The other day my daughter was looking for a snack and asked “is there any chocolate in this house?” I smiled and replied “you are so my daughter.”  I’ve been a chocolate lover for as long as I could remember. And now both of my girls are fans of the rich, sweet treat as well. Yes, chocolate is full of calories and sugar. But, some chocolate, when eaten in moderation, can also deliver big health benefits. Chocolate Supports Weight Loss. Studies have found that…

Sprouts April Savings Support Earth and Autism Awareness

Why The Frugal Diva loves Sprouts! Healthy grocery store committed to inspiring customers to eat healthier and live a better life This April, Sprouts Farmers Market is helping consumers celebrate Earth Month with sales on organic products, herbal supplements and earth-friendly cleaning products to inspire consumers to eat healthier and live better lives. April is also Autism Awareness Month, and Sprouts invites customers to round up their purchases for one week with all donations going to Autism Speaks to support local communities. A long-time supporter of autism charities, Sprouts has raised over $5 million dollars in the past…