Just a reminder for those who are sending gifts for the holidays Free Shipping Day is scheduled this year for Dec. 16 and more than 1000 merchants registered to participate. That means if you ship on December 16th it will be free and arrive by December 24th. Procrastinators rejoice! Before the U.S. recession hit in 2007, the phrase “Free Shipping Day” didn’t exist in the national vocabulary. After a few short years, Free Shipping Day now stands side-by-side with Cyber Monday and has left Black Friday in the dust. Not bad for an…
Don’t leave home without reading this guest post. I made the decision not to participate in Black Friday this year because I wanted less stress. Although, this is slightly crazy because, this Christmas season I have six children to shop for and four of them are teenagers. That alone is going to cost a pretty penny and I haven’t even mentioned all the other family members that I have to buy for! With that in mind, I set up my smartphone so that it can help me save money and you can too by using the following…
The Frugal Diva has a few rules: 1. Remember this is a holiday not a death march. 2. Make a list with budgets and options for everyone. Those who shop Black Friday, stores will run out of certain items. You and your loved ones have lived this long without them, you will live even longer if you don’t stress about losing a bargain. 3. Do not leave home without googling stores and brand names with the word “discount” or “coupon” or “offer.” You never know what will pop up. 4. Do not…