Now Divas occasionally we may have to pay for tickets however there are websites for theaters that make is easy to save on entertainment. Goldstar has an amazing selection of tickets to theater, sporting events, wine tastings, and even some trade shows. They are in several cities so plan ahead when you are traveling. I have used this website many times and always got good seats in the promised section and they keep a record of your transactions in case you want to recommend a production. Now in every major city. Theater tickets for a year with a subscription to…
They say that everything that goes up must come down. With Goldstar you bring down the price of theater, wine tasting, and sports events. You get to join Goldstar for free and each ticket has a fee attached to the price. This might be the perfect time to gift your partner, business associate, or friend with an outing to their or your favorite venue. Let’s walk through the process with Hair at the Pantages. The Frugal Diva has a soft spot for this play from her era and wants to share the experience with the Frugal Dude. Place…