Frugal Divas need their beauty sleep and the folks at Vitacost help us out with this great post. Sleep is an interesting paradox. Some people treasure their nightly eight hours, while others treat it like a guilty pleasure, enjoyed only in small “dozes.” As sleep deprivation becomes the norm, it’s rationalized by notions like, “I’ll sleep in tomorrow to catch up.” It’s time to quit dreaming and open your eyes to the importance of a good night’s sleep. The Dream: “I’m out like a light.” Reality: Ironically, the body is not completely inactive during sleep…
Mommy guilt isn’t limited to children. Fido is family, too—so when you’re choosing what your tail-wagging baby will eat, it can feel pretty awful lugging home a big bag of kibble you know isn’t the best. Sadly, healthy, organic food options, for both people and pets, bump up numbers on the grocery bill, making it more likely you’ll buy generic than GMO free. But many pet owners are shuffling budgets to make room for better-quality pet foods, with sales of organic varieties increasing in the U.S., despite the down economy. According to…
Easy ways to pamper your pets No matter what kind of day you’ve had, a little love from your pet is an instant pick-me-up. Spent two hours ensnarled in traffic? A little nudge from a wet nose will fix that. Boss isn’t cutting you any slack? Your furry friends think you can do no wrong. Your soon-to-be-spouse suddenly got cold feet? You’ve got two big brown eyes gazing up at you with unconditional love. So how do you say thanks to the furry friends who’ve made your life complete? Here are…
Guest blog by: +Elizabeth Lotts writer for Do you feel full just thinking about holiday feasts? Don’t you wish for a way to stay fit and healthy, despite all the “stuffing”? Well, put down the fork and pick up a pen, because we have all the dos and don’ts you’ll want to follow. With these tips added to the holiday agenda, the only thing you’ll feel full of is victory! DO…Take advantage of time off from work to sleep more and exercise longer. The beauty of having a day or two off from…
You want the basics – no preservatives or unpronounceable ingredients. That’s why you stick with chemical-free cleaners for your home and all-natural detergent for the wash. But, have you boarded the natural beauty bandwagon yet? Get glowing with beauty essentials that are safer for you, and the environment. Here are some ways to make sure you’re choosing the best products: Let your inner beauty shine: Outer beauty starts with inner health. Give your body the vitamins and minerals it needs from fresh, whole foods, and fill in nutritional gaps with supplements that support your skin, hair and…
You only have 30 minutes to get dinner on the table. It has to be quick and easy—and healthy, of course. Don’t let your busy schedule get in the way of good nutrition. Make a satisfying supper in record time—and stay within your budget—when you think F.A.S.T. Frozen: Frozen meals have come a long way since the old-fashioned TV dinner. Today, you‘ll find healthy frozen meals low in sodium, free of preservatives and full of taste. Before you buy, read the Nutrition Facts on the package, paying attention to serving size…
Don’t waste vacation time and travel dollars under the weather. Traveling can be exciting, exposing you to different people, languages, food and much more. Unfortunately, traveling can also expose you to different bacteria and viruses. Avoid returning home with unwelcome souvenirs using these stay-healthy tips: Uncommon infections Traveling overseas and to remote areas can expose you to foreign infections. Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s website ( for the most recent risk factors, which you can search for by region. Allow plenty of time to receive any necessary vaccines or…