Category: Miscellaneous

Cash For Trash

The Frugal Diva always wondered what you did with unwanted gift cards – Pep Boys and you don’t own a car, Wet Seal when you are over fifty, and Five Guys for vegetarians.  Here are some options from founder and money saving expert Jon Lal. He shares the following frugal advice on cleaning out the clutter while cashing in on unneeded items. Unused gift cards: To get rid of unwanted gift cards without losing out, simply use a legitimate website that buys and sells gift cards such as Cardpool. Before selling through, first head…


Maybe some people are less phobic about buying furniture then the Frugal Diva, maybe they know what they want right away.  While usually quick and decisive, furniture makes me quake in my discounted shoes. And why is that?  Well, this is a big purchase where you usually can’t return the item without a truck and at least one sturdy helper, that is if you can return it at all. Furnishings are more permanent then a Hollywood marriage, more indicative of your taste then the movies ordered from Netflix, and almost as costly as your car. This your statement…

Simple Solutions for Happier, Healthier Holidays

Guest blog by: +Elizabeth Lotts writer for Do you feel full just thinking about holiday feasts? Don’t you wish for a way to stay fit and healthy, despite all the “stuffing”? Well, put down the fork and pick up a pen, because we have all the dos and don’ts you’ll want to follow. With these tips added to the holiday agenda, the only thing you’ll feel full of is victory! DO…Take advantage of time off from work to sleep more and exercise longer. The beauty of having a day or two off from…

Save Money during the Holidays Using your Smartphone

Don’t leave home without reading this guest post. I made the decision not to participate in Black Friday this year because I wanted less stress. Although, this is slightly crazy because, this Christmas season I have six children to shop for and four of them are teenagers. That alone is going to cost a pretty penny and I haven’t even mentioned all the other family members that I have to buy for! With that in mind, I set up my smartphone so that it can help me save money and you can too by using the following…

Food Shopping on a Budget

A very helpful guest post for supermarket strategy Looking to trim some bucks from your grocery shopping bill? Here are a few easy ways to save money at the supermarket. Sign up for Rewards Cards. Pretty much every store offers a free loyalty program. These programs not only give you discounts on select items at the store each week, they can also lead to additional savings throughout the year. For example, the Giant supermarket chain in the Washington, DC region mails coupons to their Rewards members based on the items they’ve purchased in the past, along with dollars off…

Black Friday Shopping & Safety Tips

Today’s guest post is by Gabrielle Greene who co-blogs on TipsOnHowToSaveMoney. Her friends often refer to her as “Gaby Gabs A lot,” especially if it has anything to do with freebies and saving money! Thanksgiving Day is fast approaching and Black Friday shopping is right on its heels. And, this year, the deals are starting even earlier with some retail stores opening at 6 p.m. on Thanksgiving. There are two types of people those that love Black Friday and those that hate it! If you fall into the group that loves it and is counting down…

New Hyundai

When The Frugal Diva bought the red Geo Prism, it never occurred to me that it would be in my possession for  20 years. Let’s get this straight, I don’t drive a lot (actually it came down to about 5,ooo miles a year) since work has always been close to home or at home, so my attitude toward cars is the easier and cheaper, the better. This translates into my car buying strategy. I’m always looking for a brand that is trying to win it’s way into the American market by…