Category: Miscellaneous

OnLine Dating

With online matchmaking the most popular way for people to meet these days, the Frugal Diva thought it best to make sure that readers enjoyed all the benefits and avoided the pitfalls. Best Free Dating Sites gives good overall advice for those venturing into the world of online dating. In particular there is a post that allows you to find out about your potential blind date. Women are particularly vulnerable however men are not immune from danger so check out their dating safety tips. Take the time to see if any of the free apps work for you or take…

Santa Barbara

This city is just a little bit of heaven on the California coast.  First time travelers to Los Angeles do the the whole Hollywood-Disneyland route however the second time around, travelers and natives know that Santa Barbara is just ninety minutes away.  And when you get to this serene town of beaches, mountains, and Spanish style architecture you will be thinking “Yes, this has everything that makes California dreaming a reality.” If you are looking for freebies download the 101 Free Things To Do In Santa Barbara and look for offers on the Santa Barbara Visitors Site…

The 99 Cent Chef

The 99 Cent Chef features a world of cooking ideas with low prices as the main course. Just to make matters clear, the 99 Cent Chef is not affliated nor does he use only products and produce from the 99 Cent Stores.  While the 99 Cent Store has many of his selections,  Billy Vasquez heads all over to buy items that bring the basic cost of cooking way under average.  An accomplished photographer, the stills show off many recipes and give you guidelines for steps along the way and what the finished product should look like. This month is destination…

Green Cleaning Ideas

Let’s keep all the promises that we made for Earth Day.  Here are some great sites with all around tips on cleaning and caring for your home using products that are probably already in your pantry. The Maids help you with tips for  removing all kinds of stains, from blood (if someone is dripping blood on your couch you might have bigger problems then stain removal) to paint and everything in between. Here is the Frugal Diva’s best tip – don’t serve red wine to company. Our grandmothers knew everything.  Witch Hazel for cleansing…

Thank You

The Frugal Diva would like to thank her family who taught her how to make the most of every dollar. This lesson was not always appreciated. As a teenager nothing is more important then fitting in and not listening to your mom. You really, really, really want the same sweater the most popular girl in school is wearing and you want it now – not when it’s on sale, not in the cheaper version, and certainly not in another color that is not at all cool. My youthful wailing in no way got me the sweater because the…

Mother’s Day Shopping

There are so many mothers these days. Between moms, grand-moms, step-moms, step-grandmoms, moms-in-law, step moms-in-law, surrogate moms, egg donors moms, birth moms, and Heather has two moms, it’s time to start shopping.  It is under three weeks away and if your mother is out of town quickly get to the Internet and save. Shoppers are forecasted to spend a million hours shopping online for gifts. Time is very valuable. So is money. Coupon & savings expert Jon Lal (founder of has these money and time saving Mother’s Day…

Kudos To Starbucks

The Frugal Diva had the pleasure of hearing Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks speak. This company is committed to making sure that manufacturing stays here in the USA. There was not the usual “well if we could we would” excuses instead you will start to see mugs and other products that carry the Made in the USA label appearing in coffee shops across the country. Join the loyalty program and start to get freebies and discounts including a free drink on your B-Day! Starbucks also launched the Create Jobs for USA fund together with Opportunity Finance Network…