The Grove wants to be user friendly and it is. This lovely outdoor mall makes it fun to hang out. On Monday mornings, Moms, Dads and Caregivers, come see a movie… with your baby! No one will mind if your baby cries, so pack up your diaper bag and stroller! For info & schedule log on to
Join Run Club on Wednesdays at the Nike Store 6:30-7:30 PM and enjoy a 3 or 5 mile run and meet great people. Slow and fast pacing groups offer just the right match for your fitness level, and you can opt for a 3- or 5-mile course through Park La Brea. Nike hosts a post-run reception with water, protein bars and healthy snacks.
Kids Club in The Park- Enjoy a terrific selection of enriching activities for kids, parents and caregivers. A weekly dose of fun, including music, entertainment and so much more! Thursdays, 11am – 1pm continues into the fall.
Step next door to the Original Farmer’s Market and check out fantastic and frugal food choices. Pampas Grill is a cafeteria style selection of salads, meats, pastas, and my personal favorite.