Yes, all Frugal Divas know about the 99 Cent Only Store however still they continue to amaze me. How did that song go “99 bottles of shampoo on the wall.” Well, just about – along with Epsom Salts for a spa bath, band aids for cuts, toothbrushes, scrunchies, manicure products, household cleaning products, envelopes, and the list goes on.
Dinner tonight? Spaghetti, tomato sauce, Parmesan cheese, french bread, and salad – all for under $5 and you have dinner for four. Vegetarian, healthy, tasty, and bought in one store on the way home. The combinations are endless. The 99 Cent Only Store has really gone out of their way to offer you more choices for cooking when times are tough.
Though he is not affiliated with the store, Billy Vasquez The 99 Cent Chef has fabulous ideas for using ingredients that cost 99 cents. He’s got recipes, cheap restaurant tips, and fun adventures in Las Vegas! I love this blog for quick cooking ideas and finding out of the way markets. Not only a fantastic cook, Billy’s photographs make each post visually delicious.
Party supplies! Everything from paper plates, paper cups, table clothes, and all kinds of cute items to set your table with for the next special occasion. Why pay $3 to $4 dollars for a greeting card. They have them here for 99 Cents. When did gift bags become more expense then the gift? Buy two for 99 Cents.
And bring your own shopping bags because the 99 Cent Only Stores are working to reuse and recycle. They are charging for plastic bags to encourage you to bring your own. This makes me like them all the more because the Frugal Diva knows that they are working to help the environment.
The Frugal Diva knows how hard it is to remember all the various discounts, coupons…
11 July 2012