With gas prices going up every minute, the Frugal Diva has spent a lot of time on the Gas Buddy site. They list the lowest prices sent in by gas buddy members. Arco leads with their no credit card policy to avoid passing the fees onto the consumer. As you probably have guessed, those with Costco Memberships have one more benefit-among the lowest gas prices in town. Since all indicators say gas prices are rising this is a good time to go over their fuel saving tips. Who knew that the air conditioning used about 20% more fuel? And…
This is for natives and tourists. There are many places to spend big bucks in Malibu however enjoy this beautiful town for an afternoon and spend less then $20 per person for a day vacation. The Adamson House Tour is a guided tour through the house which contains its original furnishings and is decorated with the renowned Malibu Potteries tile. Trained volunteer docents relate the history of the house, details of its architecture and furnishings, and the history of the family that lived in and created this distinctive home. And what does this all cost -$5.00 per person includes…