Guest Post
Thank you Heather Roberts for these great tips!
Nowadays prices of products tend to gradually grow in many areas, which often puts a serious strain on the wallets of many households. This becomes especially troublesome in terms of cleaning, so
you would often need to find ways to alleviate the situation and to bring something good to the table to survive a hostile economy. No matter how hard things look however, there is always a cheaper
alternative to choose from out there. The same thing goes for any cleaning products you need to work with. Although it may seem like an easier task to hire a company to do it all for you, in the end chances are you will not be able to afford such a service on a regular basis if you’re barely scraping by. The following tips will give you more information you can work with to make your frugal cleaning efforts possible:
• Using water and dish soap
There are quite a few ways cleaning can be done with the simplest of solutions, such as dish soap or even nothing but water. In many ways commercials have taught us that nothing can be done unless you use [insert name here] for your cleaning needs and that nothing else will get the job done. This, however is not always the entire story. Simple dish soap can do a lot more than just clean dishes, so you would do well to consider it when cleaning carpet stains, windows or even doing laundry if you have nothing else on hand.
• Cleaning often
Doing a bit of cleaning on a semi regular basis is one thing, but cleaning more often will eliminate the need to clean with expensive cleaners and to deal with tough spots. We all know the difficulties in cleaning old spots, so they will need a lot more work than usual. Most stains can be easily dealt with by using laundry or dish soap and water, assuming the area is cleaned right after the stain occurs. You can spare some time to prevent them if you act quickly and decisively. A little bit of work every day or two will ensure you have things under control.
• Avoiding expensive products
A lot of times people buy only products they have tried before and they know they can trust. This is mostly because they are advertised as reliable, but for the most part you can find their equivalent in your local stores, often offering the same benefits at a reduced price.
If you want to save a good deal of money, you will have to rely on items that are not disposable, but reusable instead. Mops, cloths, rags and more are needed of you want to make things happen. This will help you save a good bit of money in the process, since you can use them for a longer amount of time.
Thank you Heather Roberts for these great tips!
It seems the whole world is on sale all the time and you can’…
23 September 2014